What joy, what joy! Out from the inner world of living under a rock for the last few months to getting back out into the world - with other people!

In the past two weeks, we have been fortunate to have two events to go to. The first, Market in the Park in Rangiora, and yesterday at Riverside Market in Christchurch City.
What incredible events!
My heartfelt thanks to the organisers of these events. The opportunity to get out and meet people and sell product, I am so incredibly grateful for!!!
Many people will have found the same, the loss of insight and focus and direction over the last few months, (or couple of years). We've been living in such unknown and strange times, often isolated to the tiniest bubble of who lives in your home.
Gertting out to these two events has given a mammoth boost to the mental wellness and focus for the year ahead.
Everyone in a business likes selling their things to customers, but it is more than that. The feedback, the reaction on faces, the converstaions. The little things are the big things which give back the much needed focus and stop the second guessing of "What the hell am I doing?"
From just two outings, it has been easy to see people are keen to get out and about. Get on with life as it once was, but with some now built-in caution - mask at the ready. Over and over again, people said "We've missed markets." I can say, so have I.

It's strange though, we've become so used to only seeing a small amount of people, or none at all, when suddenly seeing seas of people, I found it hard to comprehend the strangeness of it all and knew the look on my face was that of a possom in headlights - for more than a brief moment! The two events can only be described as, 'like a Christmas market, before we knew what covid was'. Long may this continue.
In equally happy news, I've just updated the Coming Events page on our website, and it is hugely joyful, exciting, relief, to see we have something booked in to go to every month for the remainder of 2022. It really is exciting! Especially because we'll be all over NZ! Including SIX events in the North Island. As many know, we have slipped firmly down the slope of the Armageddon Expo's. We'll be found at all of them. In our safe little 3x3m space. We can't wait! Auckland in June, Tauranga July, Palmy August, Auckland again in October, then Wellington and Christchurch in December! Squashed in there is our biggest adventure yet, the three day Petrol Head Vintage Market in Whangamata as part of the monster car and rocknroll extravagnaza, Beach Hop. Plus the great local events in between, here in Christchurch; Ferrymead Night Market, Re-Vamp Vintage and a couple of new events along the way.

It's almost like you don't want to get too excited, as we've had so many cancellations over the last couple of years. It's like getting the rug pulled from under you each time. But after the last two weeks, it's hard to not be seriously hopeful that every event IS going to happen and be able to plan accordingly. No Air NZ, I don't want to be changing flights for the 10th time at $25-100+ each change!
SO be a devil, go walk on the wild side and make some plans.